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As we continue into the future, our vision is to develop a team of experts, to cultivate a healthy culture within our team, and to connect our Suntime Team to our community through excellence in products, services, and deeds.
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Inground Pools Service, Maintenance, and Repairs 502-426-8907 or email service@suntimepoolswest.com
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What is it?

Mustard algae is a chlorine-resistant form of green algae that often resembles dirt or sand on bottom or sides of pool. It contains compounds that act as a defense mechanism against the oxidation efforts of sanitizers, helping it survive even in highly chlorinated conditions. This factor can even create a large chlorine demand in certain situations. Mustard algae can be brushed away very easily, but returns quickly.

To kill mustard algae:

  • Use Banish® as it kills all types of swimming pool algae

5 steps to prevent algae growth:

  1. Maintain a sanitizer residual of 1-3ppm
  2. Do an initial and weekly application of a preventative algicide (such as Back Up® 2)
  3. Shock routinely
  4. Make sure there is adequate circulation and filtration
  5. Brushing surfaces is vital